How to Pre-Sell Prospects Using a Toll Free Voicemail Number

Ever find yourself giving out the same information to prospects who may or may not be a good fit for your business? Want to spend less time on the phone, and focus your efforts on better-qualified prospects who understand the benefits you offer? Using a toll-free voicemail number is a great way to educate your prospects. Here’s how it works.
1. Reduces barriers to calling. Many prospects hesitate to call for more information because they don’t want to be subjected to a high-pressure sales pitch. Maybe they want the information but lack the time or energy for an involved conversation. By offering recorded information via your toll-free voicemail number, you’re removing those barriers. Prospects can call knowing that they do not need to interact with a real person. If the information is not relevant to them, they can quickly end the call without appearing rude.
2. Allows you to perfect your message — and repeat it over and over. If you don’t like your initial recording, start over until you are happy with it. Once you’ve nailed it, your recording is ready to serve time and time again and will consistently deliver the same compelling message.
3. Toll Free Voicemail Number Works around the clock. Your voicemail message doesn’t care what time of day it is or whether it’s a holiday. It’s never busy or distracting. Callers can call 24/7, 365 days a year. There are no busy signals either, so your voicemail can help multiple people at once — even one thousand of them!
4. Helps qualify your prospects. Think of your toll free recorded message as a funnel that filters out the best prospects for your business. Those who are ready to take action can leave a message and callback number, allowing you to focus your time on those who are most likely to buy.
5. Captures caller ID information. The toll free voicemail system captures all caller ID information, even if the number is technically blocked. Whether you intend to call people back or want to get a better sense of who’s calling and where they are from, this information is readily available.
6. Begins forming a relationship. Once you and your callers actually speak in person, a relationship will have already begun. They will be familiar with your voice, offer, and perspective. They may even feel as if you’ve already met. Your calls will be much warmer as a result.
7. Toll Free Voicemail Number Establishes a US / Canada business presence — even if you’re in another country. Our US / Canada toll-free voicemail service targets callers in the USA or Canada, but your business can be located anywhere in the world. For example, if you’re in Europe but serve American clients, having a US toll free voicemail number helps you to connect with clients in the United States. You can access your voicemails from any country in the world via a web portal. If you’re located in the USA or Canada, you can also dial in to listen to them toll-free.
These are but a few of the many benefits of our contract-free US / Canada toll-free voicemail service.