How to Talk Your Boss into a Global Conference Calling Service
When it comes to communicating with a global team, you know that email, Slack, and other text-based communications tools often fall flat. Sometimes, you need to get together on a conference call, but that’s a challenge when international participants can’t dial a local phone number and are forced to pay international long distance charges to connect to your call.
Our global conference calling plans
• Show her how a global conference call service will benefit your team — Your boss wants your entire team to be able to collaborate efficiently but may not have previously considered global conference calls. Perhaps she has misconceptions about the potential cost or thinks any old conferencing system will do the trick. Regardless of what she may think, she’ll also want to know why international conferencing is important to your work, so be prepared to show her its positive benefits. For example, will a 10-minute conference call with your colleagues in Italy save you hours of back-and-forth via email? That’s a huge productivity gain for everyone involved.
• Share example global conference calling servi costs — Your boss will also be curious about the potential costs involved, so be prepared with real examples. Our website lists the per-minute calling costs for more than 150 countries. Find the rates for your international colleagues and prepare a few example scenarios such as a 30-minute conference call with participants from Italy, USA, German, Australia, and Hong Kong. You’ll both be pleasantly surprised at just how affordable global conferencing is with our service. Make sure to point out that ours is a contract-free, pay-as-you-go service with no minimum requirements or surprise charges.
• Invite her to join you in an international conference call — As the saying goes, seeing is believing, so consider hosting an international conference call and asking your boss to sit in. That way, she can observe your team at work and experience the crystal clear sound quality and other great features like moderator dial-out for herself. Once the conference is over, email her the attendance report and MP3 recording of the call to show her how well documented your global conference calls will be.
• Ask for a trial run — Now that she’s educated about the benefits of our global conference calling
By making your case, including your boss in a conference, and sharing the low costs, your boss will likely be receptive to a trial run where you can further demonstrate the value of global conferencing. We have a free trial which is perfect for that. View details global conference calling service details.