Though you might be in Europe, you may have business associates in USA. While regular phone calls, emails, video chats, and other forms of communication certainly get the job done, what happens when you need to host a conference call? Because some of your contacts are in the United States and others are in Europe (or even somewhere else in the world) your conference call just became global — and not all conferencing services support international conference calls. Here are your options:
1. Provide your USA callers with a direct line into your conference call. Toll free phone numbers do not work outside of their regions, so the toll free number you’d normally use will be useless to your American participants. However, most will balk at having to dial an international long distance phone number in order to participate in an audio conference. It’s potentially costly, and the dialing process unfamiliar.
2. Use our pay-as-you-go USA – Europe audio conferencing service. Our global conferencing plans solve the problem of access beautifully. Rather than requiring your attendees to dial internationally, we provide them with local and toll free numbers specific to their countries, in this case USA. They simply dial a familiar-looking local or toll free number and are instantly connected to your global conference call. Participants located in other countries can join too! In fact, we have local and toll free numbers for more than 150 countries. For those located in the few countries lacking access, a dial-out option is available, allowing you or one of our friendly operators to dial them directly and then join them into the global conference call.
Here’s how to host your first USA conference call from Europe:
- Decide to host the conference call.
- Invite participants from around the world.
- Join the call by dialing a local access number and entering the conference PIN.
- Your callers from USA and around the world dial in using their own local access numbers.
- Use the live event viewer, Connect app, or keypad to control various aspects of the global conference call such as recording the call or muting a noisy line.
- Interact with your attendees.
- After the call, receive an auto-generated attendance report and an MP3 recording of the call (if you recorded it).
The Best Choice for USA to Europe Conference Calls
Option number two is by far the better choice for hosting USA conference calls from Europe, and it’s not necessary to get locked into a long-term audio conferencing plan. In fact, you could use our service for a single USA – Europe conference call and let that be the end of it if so desired. Our plans are perfect for both one-time and ongoing conference calling. There are no contracts, no monthly fees, no minimums, and no penalties. Simply pay for the time you use and that’s it.
Best of all, our plan is loaded with desirable features including:
- Crystal clear sound quality
- Global PSTN network
- MP3 recordings
- Security features
- Free Connect app
- Free live event viewer
- Automatic attendance reports
- Reservation free
- Outlook add-in
- 24-hour US-based live operators
- Compatible with landlines, mobile phones, VoIP phones, and Skype
- Competitive per minute rates
- No contracts, cancel any time
You could be hosting a USA to Europe conference call in a matter of minutes. Sign up is fast and easy. Get started now.